
College Students and Their Credit Card Debt

It is no surprise that the average college graduate in America finish school with tens or hundreds of thousands worth in debt.  What you may not have suspected is that credit card debt can make up a good chunk of this debt.  With interest rates the way they are, this portion of the debt will grow faster than the student loans, but students also have to deal with credit card debt while they are in school. Continue reading

Why Debt Settlement Companies Have a Bad Reputation

The debt settlement industry is one with a fairly bad reputation, quite understandably. The reputation is one where companies attempt to rip consumers off by charging their outrageous fees for nominal work. Many even believe that all companies want to do is get their personal information and then sell it to third party companies who will then spam them constantly. But is this reputation really deserved? Continue reading

Debt-Relief Grants: Facts in the Fiction

The U.S. Government awards many types of grants, usually for investments on collective social capital; in layman’s terms, a federal grant is awarded to a recipient for the purpose of carrying out a specific objective intended to benefit our nation’s public on the whole. This intent states that grants are not given as federal assistance or as loans to individuals1. Continue reading

Eliminating Payday Loan Debt Through Consolidation Loans

The slippery slope of payday loan debt begins when a financial emergency and poor credit leads you to take out payday loan. You have every intention to repay the loan as soon as you are paid, but something else comes up, forcing you to take out yet another payday loan or postpone paying off the original payday loan. Continue reading

Military Debt Consolidation Services

Very simply, military debt consolidation is just like any other debt consolidation service except with marketing which focuses on members of the military. The basic idea behind these service is to combine unsecured loans such as credit cards, medical bills, and student loans into secured debt by taping into the equity in your home or vehicle. Ideally, this will lower your interest rate and allow you to pay off your loans faster. However, there are still some drawbacks which may not make this your best option for settling your debt. Continue reading

How to Get Help with Medical Bills in Alaska

Need help with your medical bills in Alaska? It might be hard to find the right type of help and assistance if you don’t know exactly where to look. However, don’t worry because you have come to the right place! We know that life can catch you off guard sometimes, and leave you with a mountain load of bills and expenses that become hard to manage. Continue reading

How to Negotiate a Medical Bill

Medical bills can be confusing and expensive. You may notice that one health care visit can result in multiple bills. Each bill may focus on one aspect of care, or it may just represent one of several physicians that were consulted for your care. Continue reading

Avoiding Bogus Debt Negotiation Services

When shopping for a debt negotiation service it is best to begin by soliciting the help of a reputable credit counseling organization. Many of these organizations will offer a free consultation that can help you learn how to negotiate your debt with your creditors. Continue reading

Do it Yourself Debt Relief Help

Do you feel as if your spending habits or needs out weigh your own monetary threshold? Are there times financially, where you feel as if you don’t have enough money? Do you feel that you are the only one looking for help with debt? These are all questions that many people can answer “yes” to. With on going financial issues the economy has been handling since 2009 the number of people asking these questions have grown substantially. However there are free answers, tips and help to gain relief from debt. Continue reading