

I DOUBT we’ll ever pay it to zero, but we must trim our deficit. I doubt paying it to zero is even a worthy goal in our increasingly interdependent planetary system of government. Nonetheless, we must improve our debt-to-available-credit ratio to keep from going the way of Greece or Portugal. So how do we do it? Continue reading


HE HASN’T yet, but President Obama could use Standard & Poor’s (S&P) recent negative revision of its US debt outlook to force action on Capitol Hill.
On 18 April 2011, S&P gave its vote of no confidence on the US budget debate, changing its opinion of America’s ability to pay off its debts in the future.  Its “AAA” credit rating has gone from “stable” to “negative”, implying that it could drop if Congress doesn’t agree a fiscal plan soon. Continue reading


FINLAND went to the polls this weekend to tell the European Union they’re not happy about Eurozone bailouts.
This noble land of Thor, reindeer and saunas* doesn’t make the financial news very often. On the one hand, its stable economy keeps it out of articles focusing on troubled countries like Greece and Portugal. On the other hand, its modest wealth keeps it out of articles focusing on richer countries like France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Continue reading

Smoke (Signals) and Mirrors: Western Sky Financial

The Solvency Shark saw a commercial recently for a loan company called “Western Sky Financial”.  I perked up when an American Indian claimed he could put $2,500 in my bank account overnight.  When he argued that his loans weren’t cheap but better than payday lenders, I had to investigate. Continue reading

Don’t Sleigh Your Wallet This Christmas

It’s been two years since our economy went “round the bend”. The economic indicators show we’re technically out of recession and even growing… if at a snail’s pace. Still, the Solvency Shark can’t help but feel like he’s still stuck in a recession. My wife and I are very conscious of our funds and discuss them constantly. We save money by spending as little as possible and taking advantage of great deals or coupons when we do. Continue reading

Debt Arbitration: Take Your Disputes to a Neutral Third Party

You and your creditor are having a debt-related argument that cannot be settled by your combined efforts alone. You both decide to take your dispute to a neutral third party for a fair resolution. You then agree that the arbiter’s decision is legally binding for the both of you. This is debt arbitration. Continue reading