
What is an account reage?

Re-aging is the process of rolling back your credit card. If something comes up and you happen to miss a few payments, you can ask your creditor to re-age your account. If they agree, it will be just like it was before you missed the payments – no more late fees or missed payments. You will still owe them just as much as you did before you re-aged it – the missed payments aren’t just wiped out – but their effect on your delinquency is. Continue reading

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early?

Paying off your mortgage early can be a good strategy for saving money long term. Mortgages are a huge, lifelong investment, and depending on how your mortgage is structured, you may end up paying as much as the value of the home in interest payments! For that reason, it can be quite a money-saver for you to pay more money on your mortgage early. Continue reading

Debt Negotiation Service Can be a Dubious Option

Debt negotiation is perhaps the first option that people should try when facing an unmanageable amount of debt. It offers the ability to reduce or eliminate your debt while not having to deal with the long-term effects of a bankruptcy. Debt negotiation services may not always act in your best interest, though, so it is wise that you know about the process and can find a trustworthy company to help you. Continue reading

Wisconsin Chapter 128 Filings

Wisconsin has a unique and interesting bankruptcy plan that has become a popular option for debtors in the past few years. The bankruptcy plan, called Chapter 128, is from an old law that has just recently become popular as an individual bankruptcy method. The plan is different from national bankruptcy plans, and the differences are worth discussing. Continue reading

How do Debt Consolidation Services Work?

When deep in debt, it can be tempting to turn to other organizations for help. Debt consolidation services are companies that will consolidate and potentially reduce your debt for a fee. These services are not for everyone, so it is important to know what they have to offer for you. Continue reading

Alternative School Loans are Privately Funded

In today’s world, going to college is becoming more and more important. However, with a bad economy and rising tuition rates at schools, it is becoming more difficult to finance an education. Still, there are several different financial aid options, including one you may have not considered: alternative school loans. Continue reading

Can You Get a Personal Loan After Bankruptcy?

After completing bankruptcy proceedings, your financial situation will be very different. Although you will no longer have the threat of debt, foreclosure, and so on, some things will become harder to do. It is possible that sometime, you will want to get another loan. Since bankruptcy stays on your credit report for seven to ten years, this may be hard to do. As a result, it is important to know your financial options after completing bankruptcy proceedings. Continue reading

Credit Card Transfer Deals are a Careful Way to Save Money

A credit card transfer deal is the transfer of a balance from one credit card to another. Many credit card companies offer transfer deals at good rates in order to attract new customers, but it is also to get a transfer using your existing credit cards. Although you have to be careful, credit card transfers are good ways to save money. Continue reading

Will Filing Bankruptcy Stop Foreclosure?

When facing home foreclosure, many debtors feel like they are out of options and turn to a bankruptcy filing. Although a bankruptcy filing prevents home foreclosure, it is not the best solution. There are several methods you can attempt before resorting to bankruptcy filings in order to protect from foreclosure. Continue reading