
Talking to Customer Service

Ever had a device fail? Unexplained charges on a bill? General confusion? Of course you have. And we’ve all called customer service at some time to complain/berate/get help.

But it takes two to tango— and customer service can’t do its job if you make your problem worse. Here are ways to avoid that and get what you need: Continue reading

How to Prepare for the Tax Season

If you dread April 15th, you’re certainly not alone— millions of stomachs churn at the threat of parting with money, or the accompanying paperwork. It’s even worse if you put it off until the last minute.

So instead of making things tougher, why not prepare for tax day today? Continue reading

Recession Survival Kit

Folks, after months of recovery talk, everyone’s back to worrying about the Recession. Rumors are spreading about a “double dip” from lackluster growth and European debt. Turn to any news and opinion source, and you’re bound to find gloom and doom. Continue reading

Why Math Was Important

At some point in school, most of us were hounded by a teacher who emphasized a concept with “you’ll need to know this later, or else!” We chalked this up to exaggeration.

It turns out that teacher was right, when it comes to math and finances. Continue reading